Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thing 36

I am trying my hand at some comic relief exercises, and managed to accomplish the first thing needed in 36. I have been having so much trouble remembering (not sure if I ever really learned) how to get "things" on my site. I apparently need a referesher course . . . BAD! A lesson learned: if you're not using some of these tools on a regular basis, the how to of your memory life span may be very short, at least if you are me. I was really excited to manage to get the cartoon on my page. One approach for me was to go back to look over some of the 23 Things I didn't complete and look for helps. It must have helped, because I have a cartoon up, whether I did it properly or not is probably in question. BUT, I did it!!

For real comic relief, check out my movie above! Now this is a tool I thought a children's librarian could use with maybe 3rd grade and up. Wouldn't it be fun to have kids each make a movie, create a place on the library website where they could be promoted and watched? What a fun way to involve family, friends, and others to take a look at your library website. Movie Day @ Your Library Hey?

I looked over the various generators and found some more interesting than others. This Thing was interesting, and fun.

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